“13 Ways to Kill Your Community” Video and “Creation of Local Prosperity” Talk to be Presented

The Town of Sackville is teaming up with McIsaac Darragh Chartered Professional Accountant’s Louise MacKinnon, CPA CA, Mount Allison University’s Geography and Environment Department, Sackville Commons and Coworking and the Centre for Local Prosperity, to present an afternoon session on small town economic development, increasing self-sufficiency, and harnessing the potential of a semi-rural community such as Sackville. The event will be held Sunday, June 11th at 2 pm at the Vogue Cinema, there is no admission charge and everyone is invited to attend.

The afternoon will begin with the showing of a video recording of Doug Griffith speaking about his book “13 Ways to Kill Your Community” and the philosophy behind it, which relates to developing small towns through community development and positive community leadership (please note this is a video recording showing, Doug Griffith will not be in attendance). More information on Doug Griffith and his philosophy can be found at www.13ways.ca.  Following the film, Robert Cervelli, Executive Director of the Centre for Local Prosperity (centreforlocalprosperity.ca) will speak on their work in Atlantic Canada. The Centre for Local Prosperity has conducted two large regional conferences highlighting community economic success stories in Atlantic Canada, and is also conducting a large regional study on Import Replacement as a local economic tool. Robert will also describe transitionbay.ca, and other Transition Initiatives in the region. The afternoon will wrap up with a question and answer period, and Mayor John Higham will be in attendance. There will also be a door prize draw for five copies of Doug Griffith’s book.

For further information please contact Ron at 364-4938 or email r.kellyspurles@sackville.com