Exit 506: Land Use and Functional Planning Study
The Town of Sackville along with its consulting partner Ekistics Plan and Design are in the final stages of the land use and functional planning study surrounding the future of Exit 506. On the evening of February 21, Ekistics will be holding a public presentation of the draft plan, which will become the guide for development and growth of this important piece of your community. The presentation will summarize the full planning report including existing conditions, community engagement, opportunities and constraints, proposed site design and guidelines, and implementation that includes any required planning policy changes and amendments. Come hear about the unique development potentials surrounding Sackville’s eastern gateway and provide feedback on what will become an extension of your community.
The presentation will be on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 7:00-8:30pm in Council Chambers at Town Hall.
For more information, contact Jamie Burke at j.burke@sackville.com or 364-4930.
Pictured is an artist’s rendering of a proposed Alex Colville Park.