The Town of Sackville is offering a program to help local businesses and their front-line staff to provide the best possible service to tourists who visit them during the summer. The “What Can Sackville Offer Visitors?” tour is a day long tour of Sackville and area attractions and businesses that will give participants a chance to have a hands on look at some of the interesting things we have to offer visitors. Stops will include Fort Beausejour, local museums, local parks, local restaurants and other points of interest. Participants will receive lunch, and businesses that send participants on the tour will each be given $25 per participant (that’s right, the Town will pay you!) to help offset wage expenses during the day of training. Best practices in costumer service will also be presented over the course of the day, and a lunchtime workshop will also be held.
“We are very excited to be able to offer this tour again”, said Town of Sackville Manager of Tourism and Business Development Ron Kelly Spurles. “We’ll have excellent tour leaders, and we hope that local businesses will take advantage of this great opportunity to increase awareness of the Town and to interact with other front line staff.” The tour will be held on Tuesday, June 26, and advanced registration is required by Friday, June 22.For more information on this program, or to register, email or phone 364-4967.