Silver Lake Safe for Swimmers!


In mid-June, the Town reported high bacteria levels in Silver Lake at Lillas Fawcett Park.  To be safe, we closed the lake to swimmers.  Within a day, we had a second sample taken at the Lake which showed great water quality, and opened the Lake back up to swimmers.

Since that time, as has been our practice for many years, the Town has sent a weekly water sample from Lillas Fawcett Park to the Province for testing.  Water samples are taken on Tuesday mornings, with results coming back to us on Wednesdays.  Over the past 7+ years, we have had 2 bad readings, both of which were shown to be incorrect the following day.

All of this being said, Lillas Fawcett Park is very much a safe swimming area at Silver Lake.  Bacteria levels have been well below any level that may cause concern, and our Lifeguards continue to supervise the swimming areas to ensure the physical safety of all park patrons.

Should you have any questions or concerns, we recommend contacting the Parks and Facilities Department at 364-4955.