Spring Into Action Business Mixer to be Held March 20

StartUp Sackville is pleased to invite local businesses and non-profits to an event to celebrate the Sackville and areas business community, and the coming of spring.  Business and  non-profit professionals are invited to a networking event on Wednesday, March 20th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Painted Pony to mix and mingle. Everyone, including new entrepreneurs, or those only thinking of starting a business, are welcome. There will be free food, drink tickets, and door prizes.
This seasonal networking event is made possible by the Startup Sackville partners:
CBDC Westmorland Albert, Renaissance Sackville, The Town of Sackville, The Sackville Commons Co-op, Opportunities New Brunswick, Pond Deshpande Centre, Futurpreneur and the Ron Joyce Centre for Business. For more information on this event, or StartUp Sackville, please visit fb.com/startupsackville.