Town Owned Playgrounds and Sports Fields Now Open to the Public

In accordance with the Province of New Brunswick’s phased COVID-19 recovery plan, tennis courts and sports fields are permitted to open with the appropriate cautionary signage and messaging in place. Effective immediately, the following facilities are open to the public and available for recreational play and bookings:

  • The Chester Cole Memorial baseball fields
  • The Lorne Street soccer field
  • The Dufferin Street Skateboard and Bike Park
  • The Bill Johnstone Memorial Park playground, tennis courts and basketball court.
  • Lillas Fawcett Park natural playground and beach
  • Public washrooms at the Bill Johnstone Memorial Park and Beech Hill Park are also open.

The splash pad at the Bill Johnstone Memorial Park and the Beech Hill Park disc golf course will be opening soon. In addition, the Visitor Information Centre will be open to the public on June 15 and lifeguards will be present at Lillas Fawcett Park effective July 1. Other public spaces and trails remain open, including the Waterfowl Park, with cautionary and directional signage in place.

“Opening these facilities provides a valuable service to our residents,” said Mayor John Higham. Getting outside for fresh air, play and exercise is important for our physical and mental health, and I know many of our residents and children are looking forward to visiting these areas as the warmer weather approaches.”

Cleaning and sanitizing frequencies are not being prescribed by the Province at this time. Therefore, all users are encouraged to follow good personal hygiene practices, including hand washing and/or hand sanitizing before and after playing on equipment, using picnic tables or park benches and to practice social distancing. It is also requested that residents do not use town facilities or equipment if they are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 as described by the Department of Health.  As we are unable to guarantee that various equipment is clean, all facilities are to be used at one’s own risk.

Our summer students will be visible throughout our parks and public spaces during the summer as they continue with their regular duties, but also helping to keep our facilities safe. Students will be periodically sanitizing various touch points, along with public washrooms, as best they can.

We would like to encourage residents to use these facilities with the health and safety of our entire community in mind.  We want to remind residents to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet (2 m) away from groups and individuals outside of your social bubble and wash or sanitize your hands regularly, especially before and after using playground equipment or a Town facility.