Council Adding Question Period to October 5th Virtual Special Council Meeting

The October 5, 2020 Special Council Meeting is scheduled to take place virtually at 6:30 PM.  Although residents have been able to watch our virtual Council Meetings live throughout the pandemic, we were not able to provide the opportunity for the public to ask questions of Council during those meetings.  Instead, the Mayor had encouraged residents to email questions to Council that could be addressed during the meetings.  Unfortunately, public engagement has been low, so we have worked hard to find an alternative solution.

In an effort to increase public engagement at our Council Meetings, we will be offering a trial run at at the October 5th meeting to allow the public to participate via the Microsoft Teams platform.  Microsoft Teams can be used with a computer, laptop or smartphone, and will allow the public to ask questions when the Deputy Mayor calls for the question period.  If you anticipate asking a question, or if you are watching the meeting live on our Youtube channel and decide you would like to ask a question, you can join the virtual meeting simply by clicking here and following the directions.

Here are a few important points to keep in mind:

  • By joining you are giving consent for this meeting to be recorded.
  • We are requesting when you log on to the meeting, that you turn off your camera and mic.
  • A 15 minute question period will follow the public portion of the meeting for clarification purposes of information shared with Council during the meeting.
  • Virtual Question Period Protocols:
    • Use the raise your hand feature to indicate you have a question
    • Await for the Chair to acknowledge
    • Upon acknowledgment, turn your camera on and unmute your mic
    • Identify yourself and address your question to the Chair