Town now accepting nominations for Volunteer Recognition Night

The Town of Sackville Volunteer Recognition Night

In late June, the Town of Sackville will be hosting the 6th Annual Volunteer Recognition Night, where long serving community volunteers will be recognized for their many years of contributions to the Town.  You can see past recipients here.

Nominations will be accepted until 4:30pm on TuesdayJune 1, 2021 for the following categories:

Golden Long Term Service Award
Presented to those residents of the Town of Sackville who have made contributions through community volunteer service for a period of 50 years or longer in Sackville and the surrounding areas.
Long Term Service Award
Presented to those residents of the Town of Sackville who have made contributions through community volunteer service for a period of 25 years or longer in Sackville and the surrounding areas.
Decade of Dedication Award
Presented to those residents of the Town of Sackville who have made contributions through community volunteer service for a period of 10 years or longer in Sackville and the surrounding areas.
Titan Community Achievement Award
Presented to a representative of the TRHS Class of 2021 who has made contributions through community volunteer service throughout their time in Tantramar Regional High School and its feeder schools.

To nominate a deserving volunteer and to find out more information about each nomination category, please download our 2021 Submission Form.

To edit and save your information on the nomination form, you will need to download Adobe Reader DC to your computer.

For more information or questions, please contact or 364-4930.