Please be advised that the Municipal overnight winter parking ban will be in effect this season from December 1, 2021 to May 1, 2022.
In accordance with the Town of Sackville By-Law #262:
Overnight parking on Town streets is NOT permitted from December 1, 2021 to May 1, 2022 from the hours of 1:00 am to 6:00 am.
Vehicles parked on the street and in any Town owned parking lot during an overnight parking ban may be ticketed and towed. This measure is necessary in order to allow for efficient and safe snow removal and ice control operations.
Additionally, vehicles may be ticketed for obstructing snow clearing. Vehicles extended out of a driveway or parked on the sidewalk are prone to damage and become a dangerous obstacle for town crews. Obstacles prevent crews from clearing the sidewalks properly, which causes accessibility issues.
Think Before You Park This Winter – it will help make the season a little easier on everyone!
The Town would like to thank motorists in advance for their continued support in making our streets safer through the winter season.