Participate in the Moonlight Madness Climate Change Scavenger Hunt

Find these 5 examples of green infrastructure around the Town of Sackville and complete the crossword for a chance to win a Moonlight Madness prize draw at 9pm on November 18th, then again on December 3rd.

At each site will be a sign with a name to complete in your crossword with the corresponding line. On each 5 of these signs, there is a letter to jot down and unscramble to make up the final 6th word.

After completing the crossword, submit the complete crossword by scanning it or taking a picture to send to the Climate Change Coordinator at, to submit your name for the draw to win a prize! You can also submit your completed crossword to Town Hall in person at 31 Main St, Sackville, NB E4L 1G6.


Green infrastructure can be a natural or nature-based infrastructure that provides climate resiliency through climate change mitigation projects such as renewable energy installations that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or through climate change adaptation projects such as storm water retention ponds that help communities brace for heavy rainfall and extreme weather events. The following are examples that you can find in the Town of Sackville! Have you visited them all?



Rain gardens are a nature-based green infrastructure project that provide storm water management and flood mitigation. They are a shallow depression that captures rainfall and snowmelt and encourages it down into the soil through deep root systems and sandy soil. They reduce rainwater runoff and can improve water quality through removing pollutants. Rain gardens can also absorb 30-40% more rain than a standard lawn!


For more information visit EOS Eco-Energy’s Rain Garden Resource:







The Waterfowl Park is part of Sackville’s award-winning wetlands that provide habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife, all the while providing ecological benefits such as storing carbon, water purification, flood mitigation, and storm surge protection. The Town of


Sackville gained recent accreditation as a Wetland City by the International Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Sackville is the first town in North America to achieve this prestigious designation! The designation was in recognition of the exceptional efforts to safeguard urban wetlands for people and nature.

For more information on the Waterfowl Park:


For more information on Sackville’s Ramsar Wetland City Accreditation:








A green roof is a nature-based green infrastructure project that uses water-proofing membrane and an abundance of plant species to provide stormwater management at the first stop of rainfall – a rooftop! Green roofs increase biodiversity and habitat connectivity for wildlife. They help buildings be more energy efficient by lowering urban air temperatures and mitigating the heat island effect, filter pollutants, and sequester carbon. The green roof atop the Sackville Town Hall is open to visitors on weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

For more information on green roofs visit EOS Eco-Energy’s project information:




A stormwater retention pond will mimic the benefits and functions of a natural wetland, and as a nature-based infrastructure will manage stormwater and mitigate flooding effectively while creating habitat for wildlife. An excellent spot to see waterfowl, the Lorne Street stormwater retention pond has been naturalized with red maples among native marsh grasses.

For more information on the Lorne Street stormwater retention pond visit:



Solar energy is a renewable energy source that when harnessed by solar panels mitigates climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The 32 solar panels installed on the Bill Johnstone Memorial Park activity center will supply 72% of the building’s annual electricity, with approximately 15,346 kWh of solar electricity used per year. The solar system will reduce 315 tonnes of carbon dioxide and help the municipality lower utility costs for the building significantly.



For more information on the solar project visit: