Lorne Street Storm Water Mitigation Project Phase III – Update

Lorne Street Storm Water Mitigation Project Phase III

Update: September 6, 2023

Wet conditions in August created challenges for the Beale & Inch crew, but they adapted to the weather and the Lorne Street project remains on schedule. Guardrails have been installed on Crescent Street and Sloan Drive and all barricades and pylons removed from those sites.

The Department of Environment and Local Government issued the WAWA permit (Watercourse and Wetlands Alteration permit) on August 30th, which means work can move to the future retention pond site off Charles Street. Charles Street remains closed except to local traffic. Please respect “Road closed” signs for your own safety as heavy equipment is still operating at this location.

September 1st marked the end of the migratory bird nesting season, and crews began mulching the area for the future access road between the CN rail tracks and the Community Garden.

Post-construction water quality monitoring continues at the Pickard Quarry and site of the new water control structure. Testing occurs monthly and will continue until October.