Council Highlights – Committee of the Whole Meeting, August 26, 2024 

Council Highlights – Committee of the Whole Meeting, August 26, 2024 

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of the latest Committee of the Whole meeting. For complete details, please refer to the official minutes, which will be available after the upcoming Regular Council Meeting. 

As no decisions are made during the Committee of the Whole, these discussions are vital for shaping future Council actions and enhancing our community in Tantramar. 

Meeting Agenda 

Council Package 

Public Presentations: 

  • Zoning By-Law Amendment for Beale and Inch Property, York Street, Sackville:
    A presentation was made by Lori Bickford, Planning Manager of Plan 360 regarding the proposed amendments to the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for the Beale and Inch property on York Street. The amendment seeks to better align zoning regulations with the property. 
  • Asset Management – Cross Culvert Inventory:
    Hannah Laidlaw, a Municipal Engineering Student, presented the Cross Culvert Inventory of Tantramar. This initiative is critical for maintaining and planning the Municipality’s infrastructure. Council commended Hannah for her thorough and insightful work! 

Council Discussions: 

Community Events and Engagement 

  • Pride Parade 2024:
    Plans for the upcoming Pride Parade, scheduled for September 13, 2024, were discussed. The event will kick off Pride Week and feature a parade through York and Main Streets. 

Municipal Facilities 

  • Mount Allison Storage & Locker Room Agreement:
    Council reviewed a proposed agreement with Mount Allison University regarding the use of locker rooms and storage space at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre by the Women’s Hockey Team.  
  • Facility Rental Agreement:
    An updated rental agreement for the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre was discussed.  

Public Safety 

  • Dorchester Fire Department Personnel Protective Equipment:
    Council reviewed a request to purchase two new sets of bunker gear for the Dorchester Fire Department. The new equipment will enhance the safety and effectiveness of the firefighters. 

Infrastructure and Maintenance: 

  • Kenridge Park Subdivision Phase 3:
    Council discussed the proposal to extend Burman Street to King Street as part of Phase 3 of the Kenridge Park Subdivision. The portion of new public road created would connect phase 1 and 2 through an extension of Burman Street to King Street. This would aid in the overall road and service connectivity of the area. 
  • Energy Audits for Municipal Buildings:
    The proposal to conduct energy audits on several municipal buildings was reviewed. Englobe was selected to carry out these audits, with the goal of enhancing energy efficiency across the Municipality. The recommendation to perform the energy audits came from the Climate Change Advisory Committee.  
  • Sackville Water Treatment Plant – Low Lift Pump Refurbishment:
    The need to refurbish a low lift pump at the Sackville Water Treatment Plant was discussed. This refurbishment is necessary to maintain the plant’s efficiency and ensure a consistent water supply. Council discussed the possibility of purchasing an additional pump to be prepared in case of an emergency.  
  • 2027 Provincial-Municipal Highway Partnership (PHMP) Program
    DTI has advised that funding applications can be submitted for the 2027 PHMP program with a deadline of September 27, 2024. The Provincial-Municipal Highway Partnership (PMHP) Program, formerly known as the Municipal Designated Highway (MDH) Program, was created in the 1970’s to provide financial assistance to municipalities for capital upgrades to provincial-municipal highways (excludes bypass highways). Over 1,400 km of provincial-municipal highways are eligible for funding under the PMHP Program. 

Policy and Governance: 

  • Veolia Contract Renewal:
    The Council discussed the renewal of the Operations and Maintenance Agreement with Veolia for the Sackville and Dorchester water treatment plants. The renewed agreement, which extends the term to 2029, includes adjustments for additional services. 

Stay engaged with municipal decisions and community progress by attending council meetings and reviewing official minutes. 

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