2025 Sponsorship Grant

The Sponsorship Program was designed to provide support to local organizations with smaller donation requests, to a maximum of $250, as part of the yearly budget discussions. Individual requests and requests outside of the budget process may or may not be considered.

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
a. Groups must be a non-profit organization.
b. Groups must provide an ongoing service to the residents of Tantramar.
c. Individuals are not eligible to apply.

Groups and Associations may apply for:
a. Travel costs for Tantramar youth to attend tournaments, conferences and training opportunities.
b. Town sponsorship for smaller projects, events or initiatives.
c. Group/association volunteers to attend trainings or motivational events that will improve the quality of leadership available to Tantramar residents.

The deadline to apply is October 15, 2024.

Groups who receive funding in 2024 are required to file a report (template will be emailed to you) before December 15, 2024 or new applications may not be considered.


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