Council Highlights provide a brief overview of the recent Committee of the Whole meeting. For complete details, please refer to the official minutes, which will be available after the upcoming Regular Council Meeting.
As no decisions are made during the Committee of the Whole, these discussions shape future Council actions and advance our community.
Public Hearings
Minimum Dwelling Size
A public hearing was held regarding a proposed text amendment to the Town of Sackville Zoning By-Law that would update the minimum dwelling size requirement to a 400 sq. ft. area standard rather than a fixed length and width. A letter of support was received, and there were no public comments for or against the amendment. First and second readings will be considered at the February 4, 2025, Regular Council Meeting.
Rezoning Request – Kirk Street
Council held a public hearing regarding a rezoning request for properties on Kirk Street from R1 (low-density residential) to R2 (medium-density residential) to allow for the construction of up to five vertically attached dwelling units. No public comments were received. First and second readings will be considered at the February 4, 2025, Regular Council Meeting.
Project Updates and Reports
CSC Health Care Centre of Excellence
Council received an update on the Health Centre of Excellence project at the Dorchester Penitentiary. A Public Advisory Committee will be formed to provide input on the development. Residents interested in learning more can visit: Public Advisory Group.
Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) – Year-End Report
The CCAC presented its 2024 Year-End Report, outlining key accomplishments and areas for future focus. The committee also sought guidance from Council on setting priorities for 2025. The full report is available here.
Council Discussions and Directions
Proposed By-Laws: Vegetative Growth and Animal Control: Council reviewed two proposed by-laws that will be considered for first reading at the upcoming Regular Council Meeting.
- By-Law No. 2025-17 – Vegetative Growth: Establishes regulations for managing vegetative growth within Tantramar.
- By-Law No. 2025-18 – Animal Control: Updates regulations related to pet ownership and animal-related concerns.
Draft versions of both by-laws are available here.
Economic Development Incentive Program
Council discussed two applications under the Economic Development Incentive Program, including one for York Street and Ford Lane and another for Walker Road. The program aims to encourage local business growth and infrastructure development.
Community Development Grants
Council reviewed applications for Community Development Grants. The 2025 Operational Budget includes $137,500 in funding for community grants to be awarded to groups and organizations who do great work for our community.
Civic Centre Compressor Overhaul
Council reviewed the upcoming overhaul of Compressor #1 at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre. The compressor, which maintains the ice, requires a major overhaul every 12,000 hours (approximately every three years). Council will consider awarding the overhaul work at the next Regular Council Meeting.
Energy Audit Report
Staff provided an overview of the 2024 Energy Audit, which assessed energy consumption at three of Tantramar’s largest municipal facilities. The full report is available here.
Dorchester Fire Department Equipment
Council discussed the need for new bunker gear and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for the Dorchester Fire Department to ensure firefighter safety. The purchase, which will be considered at the next Regular Council Meeting, enhances service delivery across Tantramar Fire Services by ensuring equipment compatibility between departments.
Additionally, the new bunker gear is PFAS-free, making this an important investment in both firefighter safety and environmental responsibility. This transition aligns with best practices in fire service equipment and reflects a commitment to health-conscious and sustainable gear for first responders.
Municipal Staffing Update
- CAO Jennifer Borne welcomed two new employees to the Municipality of Tantramar.
- Ryan Doncaster – Heavy Equipment Operator (Start Date: January 6, 2025)
- Jamie Ferguson – Manager of Active Living and Culture (Start Date: February 18, 2025)
Stay Updated: Join us for the next Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 7:00 PM in person or via live stream on our YouTube Channel to stay engaged with municipal progress and decisions.
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