Canada 150+

The Town of Sackville is pleased to be celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary as well as the contribution of the indigenous population to the area for thousands of years.  Please check back here for a list of events, or if you have an event to list or would like to be involved in our celebrations, contact us at

Celebrate Heritage Day: Canada 150

The Tantramar Heritage Trust will be holding their annual Heritage Breakfast at Tantramar Regional High School on February 18 from 7:30 am – 10:30 am. Please visit for more details.

Also at the High School during that time – 150 Years of Sackville in Canada – Story Gathering
Do you have a favorite Sackville history or family story from the past 150 years? Drop by the Town’s booth at the breakfast to have your story videotaped. Taped stories will be featured online, and may also be used in a play this summer.

The Town of Sackville is pleased to collaborate with the Heritage Trust on afternoon activities to be held at Town Hall, 31C Main St. (Council Chambers)
2:00 PM – Book Launch: The Trust’s 31st publication “Surrounded by Smart Women” by Larry Black. The 168-page book chronicles the lives of two Maritime women, Statira McDonald and her daughter Gwendolyn McDonald Black. The author presents a very compelling story of these women dealing with adversity while still maintaining families and extremely high standards as professionals.

2:30 PM Dramatic reading of a new play “Our Four Fathers of Confederation” by Walter Jones. The play gives a Maritime perspective on the Confederation process through the experience of the four local Fathers of Confederation.
Light refreshments will be served.


Canada Day Celebrations

There will be plenty happening on Canada Day in Sackville.  Stay tuned for great events taking place at Bill Johnstone Park, Boultenhouse, Colville House and more!

150 Kilometres for Canada’s 150th Year

Join Cy Bernard on Sunday, July 9th (Rain Date July 16th) for a 150 km bike ride.  The route will leave Sackville and go to Head of Wallace Bay, then to Oxford (Routes 368 & 204) and back to Amherst by the old road (Route 204) with a big finish in Sackville.  Anyone is welcome to join in for all or part of this epic 158 km ride.  Stay tuned for exact times and locations.