Council Meetings

Serving the needs of residents, visitors and businesses since 1762

Tantramar Council meets twice each month. You’re invited to attend.

Our Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public.  Find our 2025 Council Meeting Dates to join us at Municipal Office. Archives of previous meeting minutes are also available.

Regular Council Meetings

The Regular Monthly Council Meeting occurs on the second Tuesday of the month with a 7:00 p.m. start time in the Municipal Office Council Chambers at 31C Main Street. The Regular meeting is also a public meeting and is the opportunity for Council to conduct their business.

Regular Council meetings are also open to the public to make a presentation to Council. Interested individuals / groups are asked to submit a written request to the Clerk’s Office no later than 7 calendar days prior to the meeting date in order to be confirmed for a five (5) minute presentation at an upcoming agenda subject to availability. Tantramar will make every effort possible to accommodate requests in a timely manner.

Members of the Public wishing to address Council with no previous registration may register with the Clerk’s Office prior to the agenda approval of a Regular Council Meeting for a two (2) minute presentation.

Committee of the Whole

Our Committee of the Whole meetings take place on the fourth Monday of the month in the Municipal Office Council Chambers at 31C Main Street. Start time is 3:00 p.m. These are public meetings, and generally serve as information meetings regarding various subjects. It is often the first opportunity for an item or issue to be presented by Staff to Council and therefore, decisions are not generally made at this meeting. This allows time for Councillors to reflect on the information and/or seek further information as necessary in order to assist in their decision making at a later date, of which normally occurs during the Regular Monthly Council meetings.

Other Special Meetings

Council may also hold other Special Meetings from time to time to consider matters that require immediate attention and/or a decision. With the exception of Emergency Meetings, all Special meetings are advertised in advance via the Municipal Website, as well as through the Municipality’s social media venues. All Special Meetings are held in the Municipal Office Council Chambers at 31C Main Street unless otherwise noted.

In-Camera Meetings

In accordance with subsections 68 (1), (2) and (3) of the Local Governance Act, Council may go “In Camera” for confidential purposes to discuss matters that are legal, human resources, or property related in nature, as well as those that pertain to a third party agreements. Council may decide to go “In Camera” during any meetings of Council. “In Camera” meetings are not open to the public, and Council is only permitted to provide direction for follow up on such matters. All matters requiring a decision of Council must be made during a public meeting of Council.

Minutes and Agendas