Resident Services

From garbage collection to permits, we’re here for you

Municipal Services

Garbage pick-up and recycling

Sackville’s garbage and recycling is collected weekly by Miller Waste, and taken to a waste management facility operated by eco 360 on behalf of the South East Regional Service Commission, whose goal is to maximize diversion of materials from landfill and minimize environmental impact. Eco 360 uses a 3-bag Waste Sorting System – blue (recyclables), green (organics) and clear (garbage). Green bags are picked up weekly, with blue and clear bags alternating every week.

To determine your weekly collection schedule enter your civic number here.  For assistance with separating, sorting and recycling, please download this curbside sorting guide or contact eco360.

If you have a question regarding your weekly pick-up, please call the Department of Public Works at 364-4960 or Miller Waste at 855-9783.

Eco 360 also offers a Mobile Eco-Depot Program which visits communities across Southeastern New Brunswick. Information on Sackville visits, and what material is acceptable for disposal is available here.

In addition to weekly pick-ups, the town has three special pick-ups throughout the year, as well as two Household Hazardous Waste drop-off dates and Christmas tree pick-up after the holiday season. Special pick-ups are posted on our calendar, on Twitter and on Facebook.

Dog tags and missing animals

If you own a dog within Sackville’s town limits you must purchase an annual dog tag. To purchase your dog tag, please visit Town Hall. Please note that proof of a rabies vaccination is required when purchasing your dog tag. To report a missing or found pet or other animal, or to report an animal related nuisance, please call the animal control officer at (506) 364-9199.

Municipal Payments

Pay your tax bill
Property tax bills can be paid at Service New Brunswick, or your personal commercial bank.

Parking tickets
Parking tickets can be paid online or in person at town hall by cash, cheque or interac. You can also mail your cheque to us here.

Pay your water bill
Water bills can be paid online here, or you can pay in-person at town hall by cash, cheque or interac. You also have the option to pay via on-line banking through your personal commercial bank.

Health and Emergency Services

Voyent Alert! emergency alert system
Register for Sackville’s Voyent Alert! emergency alert system. This service is used for emergencies, as well as other announcements including boil order advisories, street closures, flushing of fire hydrants, and more.

Health services
Sackville Memorial Hospital is a 20-bed facility with inpatient care, 24-hour emergency department, day surgery program and outpatient services. Visit Patient Connect NB to find a doctor.

Fire station
Sackville’s fire department is made up of 43 volunteer fire-fighters who have achieved an outstanding record in meeting our town’s fire-fighting and rescue emergency needs. For more information, please contact the Fire Chief at 364-4988.

Preparing for an emergency
Is your family prepared? Download our 72-hour emergency preparedness brochure here.

Voyent Alert! Emergency Alert System

Register now for Sackville’s free Emergency Public Alert system
